In a deadly beach encounter, Rihva makes some friends, Gydeon blasts off, Ira goes surfing, and Tonreir gets his wish.
- Undead horde, cursed hunger, fantasy violence, references to ship and individuals on fire
- Intense ghoul sound effects: 18:28-19:55
- Graphic description of bite injury: 35:40-37:42
Music and effects:
- “Enemy Garrison” and “Insidious” – Monument Studios
- “Sense” – Sergey Cheremisinov
- “Past the Edge” and “Morgana Rides” – Kevin MacLeod
- “Solve the Damn Mystery” – Jesse Spillane
Sound effects from Monument Studios, BlinnSFX and joaomjaraujo, zachrau, belanhud, Troutpack, shelbyshark, robert18productions, Nox_Sound, PimFeijen, kyles, peterbullmusic and Department64 on
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
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