Welcome to Bad Heroes, a narrative-rich, character-driven actual play podcast with a love of comedy, adventure, and the more charming forces of Hell.

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Art by Rachel Denton

Bad Heroes is a homebrew actual play podcast using Pathfinder 1E mechanics. Follow the adventures of Gydeon, an aristocratic elven sorceress, Tonreir, an aloof half-elf druid, Ira, a dreamy catfolk bard, Wingthe, a gruff human fighter, and Rihva, a chaotic fetchling with a mysterious past, as they’re thrown together on a dangerous mission to hunt down curses in a land bound to Hell itself.

The campaign is set in an original world created and GMed by Drea Silvertooth and played by a group of friends who like to goof around and have fun while spinning a unique tale. Our episodes are tightly edited and highly bingeable, with sound design and audio mastering by co-producer Lian Xia Rose.

If you’re a fan of action and intrigue with a healthy dose of comedy — and looking for a new long-form story to dive into — then you’ve come to the right place!

Meet the cast, check out our Episode Guide to get started, or listen to our trailer below for a taste of what our show is like.


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“A fascinating storyline played by well-rounded characters herded by a GM whose descriptions and NPC voices really bring it to life.  I got hooked by the trailer, and eagerly await each new episode.”

– DM Nigel

Great audio quality, and a DM with captivatingly descriptive language. The characters are interesting and played by good natured role players. There’s a good mix of humor and drama. It’s a huge plus that the cast is diverse. Checks all my boxes for what I look for in a play podcast.

– Chucky Maulble

“Came into this on a recommendation and dove on in. Before I knew it the ending music was playing and I smashed play on the next episode. Well done and very well paced. I like the rules lite aspect and the cast is great.”

– gobaspiebox

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