Arc Two: The Wild Hunt

Bad Heroes Recap: S1E1-S1E25
Hey listeners! This special episode is a narrative recap of the story so far. Whether you’re new to Bad Heroes or just want to refresh your memory, here’s a rundown of the main events that have happened in the first 25 episodes of the show….
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S1E28: The Wild Hunt – Part 3

Having worn out their welcome in Sosalia, our heroes venture into the forest in search of werewolves. Tonreir and Iria feel right at home, Gydeon gets to rough it, and Rihva would rather be anywhere else.

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S1E35: The Wild Hunt – Part 10

Sosalia and Sanguine Silvis bare their secrets to our heroes as they begin to formulate a plan. But with the Wild Hunt fast approaching and something very wrong, will it be enough?

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S1E36: The Wild Hunt – Part 11

In Sanguine Silvis, our heroes race the setting sun in their quest for the truth. Tonreir has a theory, Gydeon learns a new skill, Ira seeks his heart’s desire, and Rihva’s got way too many daggers.

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