As our heroes begin to reconvene in the capital, Tonreir faces his wolf and Ira takes Rihva on a much-needed night on the town.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Get more details here.
“Smoldering,” “Seeker,” “Oecumene Sleeps” and “Plague” – Kai Engel
“Trees in the Wind” – Daniel Birch
“Umbrella Pants,” “Wizardtorium,” “Ossuary 1,” “Dark Walk,” “Netherworld Shanty,” “Teddy Bear Waltz” and “Heartbreaking” – Kevin MacLeod
“Now You Are Here,” “Fog” and “When You Leave” – Sergey Cheremisinov
“Solve the Damn Mystery” – Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by felix.blume, Cinetony,, Tomlija, TRP, sagetyrtle, bsperan, RaspberryTickle, Braxen, nickrandomsounds, not_yr, brunoboselli, ditnoka, oldedgar, kyles and Ev-Dawg on
This episode features a promo from Friend & Foe Adventure Co.
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
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